USC Shoah Foundation


Founded in 1994 by Stephen Spielberg after completing Schindler’s List, the USC Shoah Foundation — formerly Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation— is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making audio-visual interviews with survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust (Shoah in Hebrew translates to “catastrophe”) and other genocides. More than 112,000 hours of testimony has been recorded and stored in the Archive, and is available through careful indexing, and cutting-edge technology to students, teachers, professors, researchers and others around the world.


KORINS was tasked with helping to unify the USC Shoah Foundation brand and its collections, offerings, and teaching tools.

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The Last Goodbye

The Last Goodbye is an award-winning, virtual-reality film that transports viewers inside the Nazi death camp Majdanek in Poland with Pinchas Gutter, the only member of his family of four to survive the Holocaust. It debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2017. Guests are guided into a glowing, comfortable space by a docent where their experience takes place.

Original installation at Tribeca Film Festival

Original installation at Tribeca Film Festival

Interaction with Max Glauben at Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum

Interaction with Max Glauben at Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum

Dimensions in Testimony

Dimensions in Testimony is a collection of 22 genocide survivor and witness testimonies, each conducted using volumetric capture techniques in order to create 3D interactive video biographies of each subject. An immersive theater divides the Dimensions into three phases: introduction, interaction, and reflection. The resulting experience enables users to first be introduced to a survivor, engage in real-time conversation with witnesses to historical events, and then contemplate what they have learned.


The Elf on the Shelf: Magical Holiday Journey

